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Lily Bouquet

Lily is commonly considered to mean the beauty of youth, passion and renewal and rebirth. White lilies are an obvious symbol of purity, pinklilies means encouragement with a difficult challenge, yellow lilies is the most commonly symbolize good health and healing, while bright red lilies means passion and work great for weddings.

Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3474
Gerbera and Asiatic Bouquet ..
HK$630.00 HK$600.00
Gerbera and Asiatic Lily Bouquet
-23 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3053
Gerbera and Asiatic Lily Bouquet ..
HK$860.00 HK$660.00
Gerbera and Asiatic lily Bouquet in a vase Gerbera and Asiatic lily Bouquet in a vase
-10 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3467
Gerbera and Asiatic lily Bouquet , 3 gerberas and 4 lily ..
HK$970.00 HK$870.00
Brand: Ecuador Rose Garden Model: HKF-2670
The Graceful Harmony 5 Pure White Lilies Bouquet is a stunning floral arrangement that exudes elegance and simplicity. Featuring five immaculate white lilies paired with lush green foliage, this bouquet is a timeless expression of purity and sophistication. The blooms are delicately wrapped in luxur..
HK$550.00 HK$548.00
Hydrangea Lilly Bouquet
-22 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-2965
Red Color Lily arrange together with Blue color of Hydrangea, this colorful arrangement is good for ladies birthday ..
HK$1,030.00 HK$800.00
Iris and Pink Lily Vase Bouquet
-11 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3400
Iris and Pink Lily Bouquet ..
HK$640.00 HK$570.00
Lily and Chrysanthemum Vase Bouquet
-14 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3410
Lily and Chrysanthemum Bouquet ..
HK$730.00 HK$630.00
Lily Bouquet
-13 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3496
Lily Bouquet ..
HK$750.00 HK$650.00
Lily Bouquet
-18 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3461
Lily Bouquet ..
HK$730.00 HK$600.00
Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera
-13 %
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKF-3462
Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera ..
HK$630.00 HK$550.00
Brand: Kong's Flowers Model: HKG-2856
Ten Stargazer Red Lily in Vase Long-lasting bouquet that is perfect for any occasion! Stargazer Lily means love, passion, Energy.  Stargazer Lilies are gorgeous and sweet smelling, and each stem has at least three huge red blossoms, arranged with lush greenery. ..
Showing 25 to 36 of 61 (6 Pages)